
Friday, October 29, 2010

Interesting confessions made during al-Qaeda cell trial

SANA’A, Oct. 29 (Saba)- Yemeni defendants of an four-member al-Qaeda cell have revealed interesting information, including information about civilian and military targets.

The confessions were made during a hearing session at the specialized criminal court in Sana’a.

During the hearing, the prosecution reviewed the investigation and evidence-collecting minutes which include the confessions of Faraj Hadi Masaud, the second defendant, who said that al-Qaeda had made plans to attack targets in Sana’a and confessed to recruiting other elements in the organization.

Qasim Ali al-Osami, the third defendant, confessed that al-Qaeda had planned to target security checkpoints, detain soldiers, steal employees' salaries and target vital installations.

Al-Osami also revealed in his confessions that in 2009, the military chief of al-Qaeda in Yemen Qasim al-Rimi had used to move around disguised as a woman. Al-Rimi stated that on one occasion they travelled from Jawf province to Arhab district in a car in which there was a woman.

The court decided to adjourn the case until November 01.

In 2009, the security forces arrested four defendants in this cell at Arhab in Sana’a province. The prosecution charged them with involvement in an armed gang from 2008 until late 2009 to commit criminal acts against national and foreign interests and harm the peace and security of the society.

The prosecution also accused them of resisting the military forces assigned to pursue them, using machineguns to shoot at soldiers and military vehicles, drawing up plans to attack civilian and military targets and assassinating a number of senior security officials.



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