
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Obama And His Friends Want Your Guns!

by Al Benson Jr.

Recently Congressman Bobby Rush from (where else) Illinois introduced into Congress a new anti-gun bill, HR 45, which, if enacted, would basically eviscerate your Second Amendment rights. Rush happens to be an ex-Black Panther, who, ironically enough, was once busted for illegal possession of firearms. Now he wants to make sure no one has access to them. He is, needless to say, in the same political corner (that corner way over there on the left) as Barack Obama.
Mr. Obama rather shamelessly has tried to pose as a friend to gun owners, telling a group in Idaho awhile back that "I have no intention of taking away folks' guns." The Obama File (see link below) that I mentioned in a previous article has taken note of Mr. Obama's (or whatever his name really is) true stance on the Second Amendment and the information it provides should not be reassuring to gun owners and advocates of the Second Amendment.
The Obama File has observed that: "Obama's presidential campaign has worked to assure uneasy gun owners that he believes the Constitution protects their rights and that he doesn't want to take away their guns. But before he became a national political figure, he sat on the board of the Joyce Foundation, a Chicago-based foundation that doled out at least nine grants totaling nearly $2.7 million to groups that advocated the opposite position. The foundation funded legal scholarship advancing the theory that the Second Amendment does not protect individual gun owners' rights, as well as two groups that advocated handgun bans." You'd think that if Mr. Obama was really serious about the constitutional rights of gun owners and protecting your Second Amendment rights that he would have repudiated some of this. Of course if you don't know about any of this, which he sincerely hopes you don't, then he can baffle you with his bovine fertilizer about how he just loves gun owners and their weapons and would never even think of bothering them. Yeah, right! They tell me pigs fly, too, but I'm not quite sure I believe that story. I put it on about the same level as Mr. Obama's assertions that he has no intention of bothering gun owners.
Obama's voting record, (something else he fervently hopes you are unaware of) notes that while he was in the Illinois Legislature he voted four different times to allow criminal charges to be brought against a homeowner who used his gun in self-defense of his person or home--something the Supreme Court has told us is a constitutional right.
The file noted a statement by the Illinois State Rifle Association about Obama's "pro-gun" statement as "One of the most blatant lies ever to come out of a politician's mouth." And it continued: "Speaking in the latest issue of Field and Stream Obama claims that Illinois sportsmen know him as an advocate for their rights. On the contrary, Obama's voting record while a state senator clearly indicates that he has nothing but contempt for the law-abiding firearms owner...Throughout his tenure in the Illinois Senate, Obama served as one of the most loyal foot soldiers in Mayor Daley's campaign to abolish civilian firearms ownership. While a state senator, Obama voted for legislation that would ban and forcibly confiscate nearly every shotgun, target rifle and hunting rifle in the state."
If he did all this while in Illinois, just think of what his plans must be on a national scale. Bobby Rush's bill was just the beginning and Obama's attorney general is another anti-gun radical.
The public at large has got to stop listening to what lying politicians say and start watching what they do instead. Almost every politician since Lying Lincoln has fooled the public with pious platitudes and they know they can get by with it because most people never bother to look beyond the lies to view the deeds.
Second Amendment advocates had better start doing that. Mr. Obama and his leftist friends want to take away your guns--make no mistake about it. Barring an all-out attempt to confiscate your weapons they will try to enact legislation that will curtail your ability to buy ammunition for them, or they will seek to impose licensing regulations on them that will so severely restrict your use of your weapons that they will, to all intents and purposes, be useless to you.
Most people in our government school "educated" society have been taught to forget that the original intent of the Second Amendment was so that citizens could protect themselves against the tyranny of government--not so Uncle Joe could hunt squirrels next Saturday morning. The gun owners all across this country need to wake up and smell the coffee. I know some gun owners here in Louisiana that are concerned about this, but I also know some that are paying no attention whatever and won't know what's going on until some federal thug bangs in their door to confiscate their guns--and then it will be too late!
I would advocate checking out the Internet to find out about various pro-Second Amendment groups, the Gun Owners of America or the National Rifle Association, or others you may find. Contact these people to find out how you can help to preserve your Second Amendment rights before Obama and company manage to eradicate them.


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